If any of you lovely viewers have googled 'Confetti Spaghetti' lately you will see that we are top of the hit list! Hooray! And our demographics show that we are super popular not only in the uk but in the USA to ... however there may be some confusion with a few of you as to why we are not a blog dedicated to the popular comfort pasta dish. Well... that's simply because we are not, we just love the name and even though we are not dedicated to food of a spaghetti nature, I'm sure you will agree we do have some delicious ideas! (recipes for love? ho ho ho...oh)
But we feel bad so here, if we have made you stray from your google search for some scrummy spag and you are in a rush to rustle up some grub, here is the popular recipe so you have to search no more!
Enjoy! nom nom nom
X.P xx