Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Finnish Summer Wedding...

From Thursday 26th July until Monday 6th August, Confetti Spaghetti blog will be in the land of the Moomins - Finland!

We are very excited to be attending the wedding of a dear friend of ours. We have always wanted to go to Finland and have heard it is a very beautiful place - We will be staying by the lakes for some of the time and if the weather is great,  we couldn't think of a better location for a summer wedding!

Our friend, we have been told, has made all of her own dresses for the wedding & after party! So we can't wait to see them and how they 'do' weddings in Finland. 

Pictures will follow - And any tips we pick up to! 

In the mean time here are some Finnish wedding traditions

Hyvästit nyt!
 (goodbye for now - we're practicing!)

X.P x